Healing Prayer Service

February 3, 2025 6:30pm

Address: Valley Community Baptist Church, 590 West Avon Rd, Avon, CT US 06001

A Night of Support and Prayer

If you're suffering from physical, emotional, or mental pain -- no matter what's causing the condition -- we encourage you to participate in our Healing Prayer Service. We'll gather on Monday, February 3, at 6:30 p.m. in Room 209.

Valley pastors, elders, and leaders will be on hand to provide individual encouragement, anointing, and prayer. We believe the comfort and support you'll experience, bathed in the hope and promise of our ultimate healer, Jesus Christ, will have a positive impact as you deal with your trial.

If you plan to attend: Simply call the church at 860.673.6826 and ask for the Valley Care office, or CLICK HERE to register.

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