24 Hours of Prayer and Fasting

October 24, 2024 6:00pm

Day of Prayer and Fasting

The Elder Team and Valley Staff invite you to join in a 24-hour time of prayer and fasting for renewal and revival across New England. Each year before our annual retreat at the church, Elders and Ministry Leaders participate in a day of fasting in preparation. This year, we are joining other believers across the region in this 24-hour period, seeking God's guidance and praying for His name to be magnified across New England!

The 24 hours begins Thursday, October 24, at 6 p.m.

We'll have a time of prayer in Room 305 on Friday, October 25, from 5-6 p.m. You are invited to attend.

We'll break the fast on Friday at 6 p.m.

Fasting Questions, Answers, Ideas

What is fasting?

Fasting is temporarily denying the body food to strengthen the relationship of our spirit with God. (Romans 8:6)

Why should I fast?

We fast to gain rule over our flesh, clarity in our mind, and closeness with God. (Galatians 5:16-17)

What does a food fast look like?

Try skipping a meal or two, or limiting your food intake in some way for the 24 hours. During a fasting period of any duration, water should still be consumed, and sometimes fresh fruit juice to maintain important nutrients. Fasting is not recommended for individuals with certain medical conditions.Please check with your doctor before fasting if you have any underlying health issues.

What about my kids?

Kids cannot fast all food because it may hinder their growth and development. But there are things your entire family can do as a kind of fast. Talk with your child and see if they would like to join the rest of the church and give up something to create time to pray. You could sacrifice dessert as a family, or give up on some form of media, and spend that time praying. When you invite your family in, fasting is not only a spiritual exercise but becomes a discipleship exercise too!

What if I can't fast from food?

Fasting is the act of sacrificing something in your routine and replacing it with time or focus on spiritual matters. If you cannot food fast for health reasons, try fasting from something else that you enjoy and is part of your daily routine. Some ideas for these 24 hours:

  • Fast from social media
  • Fast from TV or all screens
  • Fast from your phone (turn it off)
  • Fast from an addictive behavior
  • Fast from sweets or unhealthy food
  • Fast from news (TV, internet, app alerts)

Get creative! Only you know what would be a true sacrifice for 24 hours that would allow you to turn your attention to God.

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