Valley Worship Arts


Find meaningful, engaging, and God-focused worship at Valley. Through worship, our hearts are free to focus solely on God and His loving presence.

Whether we come before Him with what Scripture calls a “spirit of heaviness” or a “heart that sings for joy to the living God,” worship offers us a time to align our perspective with His and know that He is in control of in all things and worthy of all praise.

At Valley, you will find two different worship styles during weekend services- contemporary and blended. The styles are different, but the desire to provide a time of personal, worshipful interaction with God is the same.



A typical service includes music, a Scripture reading, an offering time, prayer, and a 30-minute sermon. We typically observe Communion during the first weekend of each month. 

Contemporary Worship

Saturdays at 5 p.m. and Sundays at 9 a.m.

Our Worship Team leads us in new and familiar songs of praise. Watch Online on Sundays at 9 a.m.

Watch online

Blended Worship

Sundays at 10:45 a.m.

Our Worship Team leads us in a time of praise that is a blend of both contemporary songs and traditional hymns, often featuring a piano, organ, or our Valley Choir.




Join other talented and skilled Valley attendees who have chosen to serve as musicians in our choir, orchestras, bell choir, scripture readers, and worship teams. There are also many other opportunities to serve in Worship Arts ministry, including decorating and event ushers.




Watch Services Online

If you cannot attend service in person, you can watch the 9 a.m. service on Facebook and Church Online.

Sermon Library

If you missed a Valley Community church sermon, or want to revisit a specific series, visit our YouTube Channel to access our full library of recorded sermons. While you're there, watch our stories, worship music and more. 

Worship Resources

Our service details and schedule, including the weekly verse, sermon manuscript, and action steps, are available on our Worship Resources page.