Humphrey Equipping Class
June 1, 2025 10:45 AM
Every week on Sunday until Jun 29, 2025 from 10:45am to 12:00pm
Location: 206 Great Room (Valley - Avon) Avon, CT 06001
Contact: Warren Humphrey
Has it ever dawned on you that nothing has ever dawned on God? He knew before the world began that His people would face hardship, so He gave us His Word. The Book of Ephesians is a survival manual—it equips believers to thrive in a world that dislikes the message of Jesus Christ. Pastor and author J.D. Greear walks through the powerful words of Paul. In 9 sessions, J.D. digs into the text of Ephesians verse-by-verse and challenges believers to live out the gospel. registration is necessary, just come check us out! Questions? Call Jenn Earnest in the Valley Adults office. 860.673.6826.