
    Apr 16, 2021 |


    Valley Short-Term Mission Trip
    July 8-16, 2023

    Why this trip?

    The Dominican Republic suffers from physical and spiritual poverty. Youths are one of the least-evangelized groups. Kids Alive International (KAI) provides shelter, food, education, and Christian guidance for children as they become mature adults. For more information, visit

    Since 2011, Valley has sent 35 teams to various KAI locations. Our hosts say that our physical presence speaks volumes about the love of God to both the children and the adult residents we serve, and that simply “writing a check” has far less impact.

    Going instead of just giving has a far greater impact on the participants, too! Many have experienced personal spiritual growth while serving. Participation has also strengthened relationships between Valley parents and teens who have attended together.


    LEADER: Asher Sarjent
    HOST MISSIONARIES:  Fred & Kasandra O’Brien – Valley members.
    IDEAL # NEEDED:  15. Participants: Adults; teens with a parent.
    TRIP EXPENSE:  $2,000.  Deposit: $500 non-refundable.
    Each participant must provide or raise funds. Guidelines for raising financial support are available from the World Outreach office. Trip payments are tax-deductible and must be paid in full prior to departure.
    FOOD & LODGING:  Guest house with bottled water, hot showers, and flush toilets. Food prepared by national cooks and supervised by KAI missionaries.
    IMMUNIZATIONS REQUIRED:  Tetanus/diphtheria.  Recommended: COVID-19, Hepatitis A, typhoid, and adult polio booster. Information concerning the Zika virus is available HERE.
    SKILLS DESIRED: Construction, teacher training, outreach, and Spanish language.


    Construction:  orphanage and school building expansion to serve more children.
    Sports ministry:  for the kids living in KAI group homes and the surrounding barrio.
    Children’s ministry:  for the kids living in KAI group homes and the surrounding barrio.
    Outreach:  traveling to villages with little Gospel exposure to share the Gospel and distribute hygiene packages and Spanish Bibles.

    Comments & Testimonials from previous trip participants:

    Phyllis Butta: Don’t miss the opportunity to increase your knowledge and stimulate your compassion.
    John Dauphinee: Quite possibly one of the greatest experiences of my life.
    Brian Herrman: Become part of what God is doing. Your faith will be increased.
    Linda Midwinter: A mission trip is life-changing. You’ll want to repeat it many times.
    David Muench: You will appreciate how needed the church is around the world.
    Brook Sprague: God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called. He can use
    you in an amazing way!
    Ben Downs: This trip has changed my perspective on the word ‘poverty.’
    Carol Woznicki: When you allow yourself to go, you can’t help but grow.

    Training meetings: Tuesdays, June 6 - 27, from 6:30-8:30 p.m., Avon Campus.

    Application Deadline: March 26, 2023

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